sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2023

 Escrevi este post em resposta aos vários e-mails que recebo, com questionamentos sobre como comecei a empreender na internet, ao longo destes 19 anos.

Meu nome é Anderson Hander Brito Xavier. Sou Revisor de Textos. Atuo há mais de 17 anos na área de Educação. Comecei a empreender na escola; eu fazia a capa dos trabalhos dos meus colegas, e ensinava inglês a eles aos finais de semana (no Segundo Grau).

Quando entrei na universidade, ganhei muito dinheiro dando aulas particulares, e sendo fiscal de provas de concursos e vestibulares (fui fiscal do CESPE durante vários anos da minha vida), e participei de vários projetos como bolsista. Eu paguei todos os meus intercâmbios com o dinheiro que recebi desses projetos.

Comecei com o Marketing Digital em 2003. criei um blogue na plataforma WordPress. Foram mais de 10 anos, desde então, escrevendo textos para os meus sites; e eu ainda escrevo, até hoje, ao menos, um texto por semana.

Depois expandi a minha visão com Google Ads e outras possibilidades. Trabalho, especialmente, com Revisão de Texto, o que me mantém em meus propósitos. Mas também ganho dinheiro com as propagandas dos meus sites, Youtube, vendo alguns produtos, cursos e e-books (alguns meus, inclusive), o que, também, exige trabalho.E muito do que aprendi foi com o Alex Vargas, quem sigo há muitos anos).

O curso do Alex, Fórmula Negócio Online, é excelente! E me ajudou a expandir a minha visão na internet. Depois que fiz esse curso, aumentei a minha renda em até 50%. É um curso que ajuda tanto iniciantes como pessoas que já atuam na área, mas querem potencializar o negócio.

Eu vivo da somatória dos rendimentos que recebo pela internet desde 2011. Em 2014, eu ainda, por uma questão social, mantinha o meu trabalho de professor durante meio período, mas, posteriormente, eu tive coragem de pedir demissão e, há 9 anos, eu vivo, exclusivamente, muito bem, dos meus negócios digitais. Passei cerca de 7 anos, desde então, viajando o mundo e trabalhando remotamente. Morei em mais de 50 países nos últimos anos, e ainda vivo desta maneira.

Instagram: @escrevereviver


Telefones: (61) 99801-6596 (Whatsapp)

E-mail: ou

quinta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2017

Plastic Surgery in Winter


During the preparation for a plastic surgery it is common to ask a question: when is the best time to do the surgery? 

Winter is a good answer.
 During the season the number of procedures increases by up to 50%.
 The period favors the postoperative period for several reasons. The use of wider clothing, for example, allows you to use compression straps more comfortably and more discreetly.

 Already the swelling from surgery also tends to be less uncomfortable, since during the cold the dilatation of vessels and the retention of liquid are smaller. Another favorable factor is the milder sun: this helps in healing the procedure and decreases the chances of blemishes on the skin. However, recovery before summer can be considered the main benefit of doing plastic surgeries in the winter. In general, the total recovery period and "accommodation" of the tissues lasts around three months, when there are no complications. 
This helps the body to be prepared for the heat season and allows the patient to get accustomed to the new look before the season.

In summary, it is worth to operate in the winter to:
 Guarantee comfortable postoperative, as temperatures are more favorable for the use of modelers. Suffer less with swelling, since the mild climate does not lead to fluid retention. Stay more relaxed at home as nighttime appointments decrease.

Easier to protect the scars from the sun; Take vacations, making recovery easier; Display the result in the summer. If you are considering surgery, you should seek a specialist surgeon.

Plastic Surgery in Winter,Plastic Surgery in Winter,Plastic Surgery in Winter,Plastic Surgery in Winter,Plastic Surgery in Winter,Plastic Surgery in Winter,Plastic Surgery in Winter,Plastic Surgery in Winter

Woman dies after doing plastic surgery in Governador Valadares

Woman dies after doing plastic surgery in Governador Valadares

A dream interrupted," laments the merchant Wilsirley da Silva. He was the husband of 41-year-old Alessandra Fernandes Silva, who died from a pulmonary embolism at Hospital São Vicente, in Governador Valadares, in eastern Minas Gerais.

 Alessandra died in the early hours of Sunday (25), after undergoing some cosmetic surgical procedures. "She was admitted to the hospital on Saturday morning (24) to do two plastic surgeries, breast and abdomen. But when we went to visit her she was all bandaged. He had done surgical procedures on his lips, nose, face, and buttocks. 

 During the night of Saturday, Alessandra made contact with the mother by telephone. According to Eva Fernandes de Lima, the daughter had consulted another doctor who refused to have plastic surgery. "The doctor said she was very anxious and would not do the plastic because there could be risk. She was worried about me, wanted to know if I was taking my medicines right. He ended the call saying that he loved me very much, "recalls Eva Fernandes.

 The complications would have started after the application of a drug to the patient. "She was fine, but complained of some pain and could not sleep. It was then that they applied a medicine in the serum and it began to feel bad. The news of her death took us all by surprise, "says Alessandra's mother.

 Married for 18 years and mother of four, the housewife dreamed of plastic. "It was a dream of her, she wanted very much, but she did not need to, my wife was very beautiful," says Wilsirley.

Pulmonary embolism

  In a note sent Monday evening (26), Dr. Wander Pinto, responsible for surgeries at Alessandra, says that "according to information received by telephone, after necropsy, the medical expert report made the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism to be confirmed later through further examinations to be held in Belo Horizonte ".

  These complications are caused when a blood clot detaches and goes to the lung, which prevents the patient's breathing. The occurrence of this complication is rare, but is one of the causes of death during plastic surgeries. The patient may not know that he has thrombosis, one of the factors that causes the embolus during surgery.
Action Time

 In the same note, the doctor details the time of each action until the death of Alessandra. According to Wander Pinto, the patient underwent abdominal dermolipectomy surgery and augmentation mastoplasty with inclusion of silicones, by the abdominal route.

 "The surgical time was approximately four hours without any complications. The patient received the medical visit at 11:30 pm, when she was medicated for pain. She was lucid and clinically stable, with normal vital functions, "says the doctor;

 During this time, the doctor states that he was present, checked the clinical course and talked to the patient throughout the period. After 20 minutes of medication she withdrew, instructed the nursing staff about routine care and left the hospital at 11:50 p.m.

 The plastic surgeon finishes the note saying that at around 11:50 am he received the news that Alessandra was feeling sick.

 "In approximately three minutes, the team started the procedures that were adequate to the patient's emergency and resuscitation attempt. The same was taken to the surgical block with the help of the nursing team, continued the routine procedure for the emergency condition, requested the presence of the anesthesiologist and the SAMU team. The patient entered bilateral fixed mediosis without responding to the medications. Together with SAMU's colleague, the death picture was characterized ".

Woman dies after doing plastic surgery in Governador Valadares,Woman dies after doing plastic surgery in Governador Valadares,Woman dies after doing plastic surgery in Governador Valadares,Woman dies after doing plastic surgery in Governador Valadares,

How to pay for a Plastic Surgery


Performing a plastic surgery is a dream for many people, however some fail to perform it due to the high values. But that dream may be much closer to realizing nowadays than people realize.

Currently it is possible to find several types of payment facilities to perform aesthetic surgeries. Learn how to pay for plastic surgery and how to choose a good option for your pocket.

How to pay for a plastic surgery?

The demand for plastic surgeries is increasing, especially in Brazil, which has become one of the countries to lead the ranking of plastic surgeries. So knowing how to pay for one is a big question between men and women. Check out some of the options available:


You know that little tire or the big nose that bothers you? The days are numbered! Now, it is possible to make a consortium to pay for cosmetic services, such as plastic surgery.

It works just like we already know, like home or car. You choose the amount of the letter of credit, that is, the money you want to spend on the plastic. It works like this: a company that manages consortia opens a group for those interested in a consortium of services - which is the name of the consortium for plastic surgery, for example. All participants pay the installments for the duration of the contract, and the administrator takes care of the money and the lottery. Every month someone is raffled and, even with the money in hand, continues to pay the installments month to month until the end of the consortium.

Usually it is a good option for those who do not have the habit of saving money and also is not in a hurry. But it is worth remembering that the administrators are responsible for the financial part, the choice of a specialized surgeon is your responsibility.
Important! So as not to fall into a trap and be passed back, read the contract before signing it! And consult your doctor to find out if the value of the consortium is sufficient to cover the surgery you want.


It is also very similar to those we already know, the difference is that this can be done by clinics, banks or companies specializing in financing for plastic surgery. But it is worth remembering that the financing is subject to interest.

For use in surgeries, Caixa offers payroll loans. Bradesco has the CDC Plastic Surgery, which makes it possible to finance up to 70% of the value and payment in 48 months. At Banco do Brasil there is BB Crediário, which provides up to R $ 10,000 for payment in up to two years.


Many clinics already accept the option of installment in billet or credit card. The installment payment is not made in many amounts of installments, however it is a good option for those who do not want to keep the debt for a long time. It is also possible for you to give an input value and divide the rest.

In addition, the value of surgeries in some clinics is more affordable than people realize. Even because the covenants usually cover the preoperative exams and the postoperative costs are very low, making the person only have to really bear the expenses of the surgery and the hospital costs.

Associated Surgeries

One way that helps decrease the cost of the procedure is to perform associated surgeries. As different procedures are performed in the same surgery, there is the advantage of having fewer medical expenses and also going through only one recovery. But not all procedures can be done together.

Now that you already know some options on how to pay for a plastic surgery, you need to know that no matter which option you choose, it should be performed safely and reliably.

How to pay for a Plastic Surgery,How to pay for a Plastic Surgery,How to pay for a Plastic Surgery,How to pay for a Plastic Surgery,How to pay for a Plastic Surgery,How to pay for a Plastic Surgery,

Top 5 most perfomed plastic surgeries

The 5 most performed plastic surgeries in the world

Would you like to have plastic surgery? Find out if you share the same desire as the other patients around the world

Have you ever done or feel like having a plastic surgery? If the answer is "no," it is quite possible that you at least meet someone who has undergone such a procedure.

According to the latest International Society of Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) report, published in the middle of last year with data for 2015, 21 million surgeries of this kind were performed in the 12-month period.

The world leader in plastic surgery is the United States, with 4,042,610 (18.6% of the world total). Brazil ranked second in the ranking, with 2,324,245 surgeries (10.7%).

One curiosity: Brazil is the country where most plastic eyelid surgeries are performed, accounting for 11.3% of records worldwide (143,165 times). Despite this, the most common plastic surgery here is liposuction, with 182,765 records.

 Now, know the most common plastic surgeries around the globe:

5. Rhinoplasty - 730.287

Rhinoplasty, or plastic nose surgery, was performed 730,287 times, which equates to 7.6% of all procedures in this branch of medicine.

4. Abdominoplasty - 758,590

With 758,590 records, abdominoplasty accounted for 7.9% of all plastic surgeries performed worldwide. This procedure is usually sought by those who have excess fat and skin in the region between the navel and the pubis.

3. Blepharoplasty - 1,264,702

Blepharoplasty, the technical name for eyelid surgery, ranked third in the list, accounting for 13.1% of all plastic surgery performed during the study period. A curiosity: if we consider only the male patients, the blerafoplasty would be in the first place, being the plastic more common among them.

2. Liposuction - 1,394,588

Although it ranked second in the world ranking, accounting for 14.5% of all plastic surgery, liposuction is the great champion in Brazil - here, 182,765 lipos were recorded in the period covered by the report.

1. Breast Augmentation - 1,488,992

Augmentation mammoplasty, better known as "silicone", was the most popular plastic on the globe, accounting for 15.4% of the total. The records include both aesthetic surgeries, with the aim of giving more volume to the breasts, as well as reconstructive surgeries of patients who underwent mastectomies (total or partial withdrawal of the breast).

Although silicone prostheses are the first technique to come to our head, the total number includes surgeries done with saline injection (64,674) and fat grafting (113,189). In any case, these values ​​do not come close to the amount of plastic for the placement of silicone prostheses: 1,311,129.

Finally, it is interesting to observe the data released by ISAPS on the gender of the patients: while men corresponded to only 14.4% of plastic (3 million), women were 85.6% (18 million). That is, these surgeries are still much more popular among the female audience.

Top 5 most perfomed plastic surgeries,Top 5 most perfomed plastic surgeries,Top 5 most perfomed plastic surgeries,Top 5 most perfomed plastic surgeries,Top 5 most perfomed plastic surgeries,Top 5 most perfomed plastic surgeries

What can go wrong with plastic surgey?

What can go wrong with plastic surgery

Risks and results of procedures are often independent of the physician's expertise. Find out what they are and how to minimize them

It is always valid to correct or improve some physical aspect that is affecting self-esteem. However, those who wish to undergo plastic surgery, be it reconstructive or aesthetic, need to be aware that the end result is not always the desired.

Even taking care to perform the procedure with an experienced plastic surgeon, sometimes the body reacts differently than expected, transforming the dream of a more beautiful body into a true aesthetic disaster.

"I always ask my patients whether they have come to me for a moment or if it has been a long time. Plastic can not be something for the moment. We need to assess whether the benefits will outweigh the risks. When they are not, I encourage people to think better, "says plastic surgeon Marcelo Wulkan, from São Paulo.
 About 30%, he says, do not come back because they thought better or because they found another professional who agreed to do the procedure without questioning it

Another common unexpected of plastic surgery is the accumulation of fluid in the liposuction region. This fluid, Wulkan explains, can be withdrawn in the office with the aid of a syringe or absorbed by the body in a few weeks. Already in the plastic ones made in the abdomen an unexpected effect very frustrating for the patient is the distortion in the navel.

"Any scar in the region of holes, such as the navel, can be smaller than usual. In addition, the navel may look irregular, "says the surgeon.

Here's how you can help reduce the risks of an unexpected result in plastic surgery:

• If you smoke, stop at least one month before the procedure

• If you are a woman, avoid the pill one month before surgery, especially if the procedure lasts longer 
than 4 hours (it increases the risk of deep venous thrombosis, a potentially fatal condition)
• Do not do cosmetic procedures such as exfoliation, deep peeling or dermabrasion before surgery

• If you take isotretinoin (for acne) stop with the medicine three months before surgery and only take it after 6 months of the procedure (the medication may impair healing in the postoperative period)

• It is important to be on stabilized weight to avoid the overdrive, especially if the surgery is performed on the belly, buttock or breasts

• If you want to get pregnant in the short or medium term, it is worth rethinking if it is not better to delay surgery for after six months after the end of breastfeeding

• Avoid sun before and after surgery, especially if it is done on the face. In the operated area, use filter with sun protection factor 30 (minimum)

• Do all the clinical exams requested by the doctor to know if you can undergo the procedure

• Only operate in hospitals or clinics that have support to act in emergencies

What can go wrong with plastic surgey?,What can go wrong with plastic surgey?,What can go wrong with plastic surgey?,What can go wrong with plastic surgey?,What can go wrong with plastic surgey?,

Free Apps Simulate Plastic Surgery Effects

Free Apps Simulate Plastic Surgery Effects

If you ever thought of doing an aesthetic intervention, how about taking a look first at how you would look? Several applications can give you an impression of what it would be like to undergo plastic surgery.

Minor nose? Bigger breasts?  Whatever you want.

Caution: These are the results of excessive plastic surgery
With just the click of a button, you can reshape your body and face to find out how you would look if you made a decision to irreversibly change your appearance through surgery. Writer Emily Hodgkin, 23, put the body to the test in this application for testing. And here are some results:

"Mod Your Bod" is an application created by American plastic surgeon Dr. Navin Singh. This app, and most of the others, operate on a very simple "drag and drop" basis. You take a picture of any part of your body and expect to charge to be able to manipulate. Using your fingertip, you can drag pieces of your body, making them appear larger or smaller.

In the "Plastic Surgery Simulator Lite" application, things get more difficult. This is the "lite" version of a full application, but based on user experience, is unsatisfactory.

Free Apps Simulate Plastic Surgery Effects,Free Apps Simulate Plastic Surgery Effects,Free Apps Simulate Plastic Surgery Effects,Free Apps Simulate Plastic Surgery Effects,Free Apps Simulate Plastic Surgery Effects

  Escrevi este post em resposta aos vários   e-mails   que recebo, com questionamentos sobre como comecei a empreender na internet, ao longo...